More of the same

I scanned 6 drawings this evening - laborious on an A4 scanner. They are therefore merged bits, but I'll post them anyway.

anyone for tennis?
 I enjoy the pen doodles most. 
This one above should get a spot or two of colour - maybe blue or green.
 Bluebird was one of those drawing that did not really know where it was going 
and ended up all over the paper!
Can you spot the little tins of caviar? There was an advert in a magazine and I thought it rather pretty. I did not copy it but invented something similar. I don't usually do all-over designs. I usually start in the centre of a drawing and most of them are finished before I get to the edges of the paper. The one above was too, then I thought it would be nice to do some joined-up ribbons
focussing into the drawing itself.
The 'patches' are 9x9cm tile illusions. They are drawn on the paper, not stuck on! I cut out a square hole in the required size (that's the zentangle size) and overlaid the squares in pencil then went over the edges in pen as I decorated them and used a graphite pencil to do some shading, but I think it needs to be stronger to emphasize the overlapping look. I quite enjoyed the experience and might do it again with my favourite patterns and some colour. These patterns were chosen to try to balance the types (ribbon, grd, lines etc.) and were not intended to be coloured. 
